Friday, July 14, 2006

Day 14.01 2nd July 2006

Balladonia – also referred to as Biddleonia in these parts, and by the sounds of it not just by Chewie and myself – is the place most famous for the Sky Lab crash back in the 1970’s. As well as ‘Balladonian Marbles’. What started as single grains of sand some 2,000,000 years ago, had each collected various materials along the way to form almost perfectly round stones. “Someone lost their marbles here2 million years ago, and they’ve been calcifying ever since.” was Chewie’s comment. He continued: “ Too bad that Sky Lab missed the roadhouse.” Having arrived on a Saturday evening, the roadhouse and adjoining hotel was full of ‘yobos’. A perfect example of beer drinking, fight picking and generally obnoxious Australian males. Needless to say, we were out of there like a flash at first light.

‘Balladonian Marble’

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