Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Day 13.04

At the base of the escarpment a fair few trees grace the landscape. What looks like an eagle circles high up above. Crows, or black carrion birds of some kind, (…also not an ornithologist.) hang around the sides of the road. A pair of gray birds, with pink heads and black on the tips of their wings, sit perched on the tips of a bush.

We pass several ‘towns’ on our way across the Nullabor. Well, not really towns, a roadhouse-come-petrol station with a caravan park and phone booths attached. The fuel is really expensive out here, as is everything else. And the guy at the Mundrabilla roadhouse targets his sign directly: “Cheapest fuel. Best service around.” We have enough fuel not to worry, but it’s still a photo op.

Mundrabilla Roadhouse

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