A wedge-tailed eagle soars gracefully above us (click - memory picture), as we decide not to return to the main road just yet. Though only a narrow sandy track lies ahead, our adventurous spirit spurs us on to follow where only the eagles dare. Although narrow, the road was easy to negotiate and we happily spent an extra hour in the park.
sandy track
Along the track, we find a couple of small streams and rivers gleaming in the sunshine and bubbling over and through smoothed sandstone boulders into the Fitzgerald River National Park.
It seemed much too soon to be reaching the end of the national park road. Western Australia is known for its wildflowers, open spaces and incredible scenery. It is also known as the state where life is as it 'used to be'. A little less rushed and a whole lot friendlier. We pull over and contemplate the sights, sounds and smells we have just experienced. Then, take a deep breath and move on.
As the sign says: "Thank you for visiting" with us. And we head off to…
You guessed it. Albany.
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